讲座主题:Iterated Clique Reduction in Vertex Weighted Coloring for Large Sparse Graphs
We propose a reduction algorithm based on maximal clique enumeration. More specifically our algorithm utilizes a certain proportion of maximal cliques and obtains lower bounds in order to perform reductions. It alternates between clique sampling and graph reductions and consists of three successive procedures: promising clique reductions, better bound reductions and post reductions. Experimental results show that our algorithm returns considerably smaller subgraphs for numerous large benchmark graphs, compared to the most recent method named RedLS. Also, we evaluate individual impacts and some practical properties of our algorithm. Furthermore, we have a theorem which indicates that the reduction effects of our algorithm are equivalent to that of a counterpart which enumerates all maximal cliques in the whole graph if the run time is sufficiently long.
苏开乐,博士,现任澳大利亚格里菲斯大学教授,清华大学逻辑研究中心兼职教授,南京信息工程大学人工智能学院名誉院长。主要研究领域:人工智能逻辑与算法。曾任中山大学(1999-2007)北京大学(2007-2014)教授博导。2005 年入选教育部“新世 纪人才支持计划”,2007 年获ping得了国家自然科学基金“杰出青年基 金”项目, 2013 年入选国家“百千万”人才工程国家级人选,获“国家有突出 贡献中青年专家”称号,享受国务 院特殊津贴。获得 AiML 2002 (法国图卢兹)最佳论文奖,SAT Challenge 2012: Best Sequential Solver (Random Track)奖, 共发表了 30多篇中国计算学会(CCF)推荐 A 类论文, 包括顶级会议 AAAI (15 篇),IJCAI (10 篇),顶级期刊 Artificial Intelligence, Information and Computation,IEEE Trans. on Computers, 和 IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering 等。目前社会兼职:国家一级学报《软件学报》《计算机研究与发展》编委,《IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics》副主编,国家外国专家局重点引智项目(包括外专千人计划)评审专家。